There is a strong possibility that I will soon be rebranding this blog as a food blog. The past few posts have been about food. Maybe it is significant that Yom Kippur is in two days. The most likely culprit however, is how I spent my summer "vacation". I spent the summer as the Jewish Educator of a sleep-away camp. It was a stressful and time consuming job. There was really only one stress release for me and that was baking. As often as I could I baked challah, sometime it was with a group of campers and we were being swarmed by bees, it didn't matter.
Last year around this time I set some academic and personal goals for myself. I am going to keep those but I am going to add that, I will bake something, every week. This week it was two:
1. Sugar Cookies (Dairy Free!)
2. Bread (Vegan)